Middle Schools
2015 Middle School Winner
Hillsboro Middle School
Highly differentiated instruction, as well as arts integration, has delivered outstanding academic progress for the school in Leiper’s Fork. Hillsboro students score well above statewide averages on TCAP assessments, and the school posts strong three-year marks on TVAAS growth, particularly in math.
2015 Middle School Nominees
Grassy Fork School, Cocke County Schools
Grassy Fork School serves roughly 100 students in grades K-8, and about 30 students in grades 6-8, in a very rural area of East Tennessee. Approximately eight in ten students at Grassy Fork are economically disadvantaged. Students at Grassy Fork score more than 20 points above the state average across reading, math, and science.
KIPP Academy Nashville, Metro Nashville Public Schools
KIPP Academy Nashville is a public charter school serving roughly 350 students in grades 5-8. More than 85 percent of the students are economically disadvantaged. KIPP students out perform the state average in reading and have experienced strong growth in math and science over the past three years, where scores are well above state averages.
2014 Middle School Winner
Hillsboro Elementary/Middle School
Hillsboro Elementary/Middle School serves approximately 325 students in Williamson County. Seventeen percent of students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year (2012-2014) marks on TVAAS growth: 9.8 in math, 2.3 in reading, and 6.4 in science.
2014 Middle School Nominees
Freedom Preparatory Academy, Shelby County Schools
Freedom Prep Academy is a charter school that serves grades 6-10, with approximately 275 students in grades 6-8, in Memphis. Eighty-six percent of students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year (2012-2014) marks on TVAAS growth: 10.2 in math, 5.3 in reading, and 9.7 in science.
KIPP Academy Nashville, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
KIPP Academy Nashville is a charter middle school that serves grades 5-8, with nearly 250 students in grades 6-8, in Nashville. Ninety percent of students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year (2012-2014) marks on TVAAS growth: 12.8 in math, 3.2 in reading, and 5.2 in science.
2013 Middle School Winner
Frank P. Brown Elementary
Frank P. Brown Elementary, Cumberland County Schools
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Christie Thompson
- Grades Served: PK-8
- Enrollment: 501
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 79%
Frank P. Brown Elementary serves approximately 500 students in grades PK-8 in Crossville. Seventy-nine percent of their students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year marks on TVAAS growth: 6.9 in math, 3.3 in reading, and 7.5 in science. Frank P. Brown has particularly high performance in TCAP science with a three year average of 84 percent of students proficient or advanced compared to the state average of 60 percent. Frank P. Brown has made exceptional progress over the last few years due in large part to its visionary school leaders and dedicated teachers. The school has a “no excuses” approach to education and expects all students to achieve at high levels. Frank P. Brown faculty and staff are leaders in using data to drive instruction and have highly engaging classrooms where all students are supported to reach their full potential.
Three-Year TVAAS Growth Estimate (2011-2013):
- Math: 6.9
- Reading: 3.3
- Science: 7.5
Three-Year TCAP Proficient/Advanced:
- Math: 62%
- Reading: 57%
- Science: 84%
Frank P. Brown Elementary serves approximately 500 students in grades PK-8 in Crossville. Seventy-nine percent of their students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year (2011-2013) marks on TVAAS growth: 6.9 in math, 3.3 in reading, and 7.5 in science.
2013 Middle School Nominees
Freedom Preparatory Academy, Memphis City Schools
Freedom Preparatory Academy, Memphis City Schools
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Roblin Webb
- Grades Served: 6-9
- Enrollment: 273
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 75%
Freedom Preparatory Academy serves over 250 students in grades 6-9 in Memphis. Seventy-five percent of academy students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year marks on TVAAS growth: 14.7 in math, 6.4 in reading, and 8.4 in science. Freedom Prep’s three-year growth in math was particularly strong, and the school narrowed the achievement gap between low-income and higher-income students by 7.8 points in science from 2011 to 2013. Freedom Prep is a school that has high expectations for students both academically and personally, working hard to equip students with knowledge as well as behaviors that will put them on the path to college. The school has strong teacher support through its weekly evaluation cycles, and teachers use data to inform their instruction.
Three-Year TVAAS Growth Estimate (2011-2013):
- Math: 14.7
- Reading: 6.4
- Science: 8.6
Three-Year TCAP Proficient/Advanced: Rates (2011-2013):
- Math: 57%
- Reading: 42%
- Science: 50%
Freedom Preparatory Academy serves over 250 students in grades 6-9 in Memphis. Seventy-five percent of academy students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year (2011-2013) marks on TVAAS growth: 14.7 in math, 6.4 in reading, and 8.4 in science.
Rose Park Math and Science Magnet, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Rose Park Math and Science Magnet, Metro Nashville Public Schools
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Robert Blankenship
- Grades Served: 5-8
- Enrollment: 397
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 57%
As an open-lottery magnet, Rose Park takes students from all ability levels, not just those already performing at advanced levels. Rose Park serves nearly 400 students in grades 5-8 in Nashville. Fifty-seven percent of its students are economically disadvantaged. The school posted strong three-year marks on TVAAS growth: 8.3 in math, 2.3 in reading, and 2.5 in science. Rose Park has done significant work to narrow achievement gaps. From 2011 to 2013 the gap between white and African-American students narrowed by 8.9 points in math and 18.1 points in science. In the same period, the gap between white and Hispanic students narrowed by 28.7 points in math and 6.7 points in science. What this translates to in the classroom is high expectations for all students to grow beyond their abilities—and high expectations that teachers will get them there. Rose Park has a track record of high growth and success in math and science. The school sets high targets and works hard to meet goals. Teachers at Rose Park are committed to providing engaging lessons to students and the school leverages partnerships to support instruction.
Three-Year TVAAS Growth Estimate (2011-2013):
- Math: 8.3
- Reading: 2.2
- Science: 2.5
Three-Year TCAP Proficient/Advanced: Rates (2011-2013)
- Math: 60%
- Reading: 60%
- Science: 62%
As an open-lottery magnet, Rose Park serves nearly 400 Nashville students in grades 5-8 from all ability levels, not just those already performing at advanced levels. The school posted strong three-year (2011-2013) marks on TVAAS growth: 8.3 in math, 2.3 in reading, and 2.5 in science.
2012 Middle School Winner
Rose Park Math and Science Magnet
Rose Park Math and Science Magnet, Metro Nashville Public Schools
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Robert Blankenship
- Grades Served: 5-8
- Enrollment: 395
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 61%
Outstanding schools recognize and emphasize the role of the family in a student’s academic success. Rose Park Math and Science Magnet Middle School has taken the concept of family support to a new level, creating an en- vironment in which every student feels nurtured as part of an “educational family.” In both literal and symbolic ways, these education families and each student’s home family set the stage for the pursuit of high academic goals and provide encouragement, strength, and sup- port as the student aspires to reach those goals.
Attendance Rate: 97%
TVAAS Growth Estimate (2012):
- Math: 5.7
- Reading: 2.0
TCAP Proficient/Advanced:
- Math: 47%
- Reading: 57%
Between 2010 and 2012, the achievement gap for African American students narrowed by 11.4 percentage points in reading and 16.2 percentage points in math. For Hispanic students, the gap narrowed by 9.8 points and 7.1 points, respectively, and for economically disadvantaged students by 4.9 and 9.9 points.
Attendance rates and TCAP/EOC proficient and advanced rates are three-year averages.
A fifth through eighth grade middle school in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Rose Park Math and Science Magnet serves 395 students. The school, which is a non-selective magnet, narrowed the achievement gap between black and white students by 11.4 percentage points in reading and 16.2 percentage points in math between 2010 and 2012 while showing significant growth for all students in those subjects. The school also has a three-year (2010-2012) TVAAS average of 5.7 in math and 2.0 in reading.
2012 Middle School Nominees
Power Center Academy, Memphis
Power Center Academy, Memphis
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Kimberly Clark
- Grades Served: 6-8
- Enrollment: 300
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 88%
Power Center Academy, a charter school located in Memphis, has a faculty and staff of 29 members whose mission is to “develop future leaders of the community by teaching students to be innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and humanitarians.” A 2011 Middle School SCORE Prize winner, Power Center Academy is nominated again because of its high TVAAS growth, strong TCAP performance in comparison to schools with similar socioeconomic characteristics, and narrowed achievement gaps for economically disadvantaged students (5.2 percentage points in reading and 15.7 percentage points in math). Power Center Academy’s emphasis on high expectations for everyone is an integral part of the culture at the school. Scholars’ high expectations for themselves are supported and fostered by a caring teaching and leadership staff who believe in continuing the momentum of achievement the school has experienced.
Attendance Rate: 97%
TVAAS Growth Estimate (2012):
- Math: 6.2
- Reading: 3.4
TCAP Proficient/Advanced:
- Math: 39%
- Reading: 56%
Attendance rates and TCAP/EOC proficient and advanced rates are three-year averages.
Power Center Academy, a charter school located in Memphis, serves 300 sixth through eighth grade students. Power Center has been able to narrow its achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged students by 5.2 percentage points in reading and 15.7 percentage points in math.
South Side Elementary, Henderson County Schools
Southside Elementary, Henderson County
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Marty Johnson
- Grades Served: PK-8
- Enrollment: 300
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 74%
South Side Elementary distinguishes itself through a culture of family, an affinity for friendly competition, and data-driven instruction. Located in Reagan in rural Henderson County, South Side posted impressive TVAAS growth in math and strong overall TCAP performance in comparison with schools serving students from similar backgrounds. Embodying the spirit of Mr. Wright, who was Principal from the school’s founding in 1985 until he passed away in May, South Side’s performance stems from an emphasis on each teacher and student giving his or her best. Leadership, teachers, and students all strive to perform at the highest levels. The tight-knit community culture and attention to and emphasis on individual students help to explain South Side’s impressive performance.
Attendance Rate: 96%
TVAAS Growth Estimate (2012):
- Math: 6.8
- Reading: 0.8
TCAP Proficient/Advanced:
- Math: 59%
- Reading: 53%
Attendance rates and TCAP/EOC proficient and advanced rates are three-year averages.
South Side Elementary serves 300 pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students in Henderson County Schools. Serving a predominately economically disadvantaged rural community, South Side posted a three-year (2010-2012) TVAAS growth average of 6.8 in math, which means the school is helping its students make tremendous gains in that subject.
2011 Middle School Winner
Power Center Academy
Power Center Academy, Memphis City Schools
School Characteristics:
- Chief Academic Officer: Yetta Lewis
- Middle School Principal: Kimberly Clark
- Grades Served: 6-9
- Enrollment: 191
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 85%
Power Center Academy, a charter school that was founded in 2008, aims to prepare their students to succeed in college and the workforce and to be actively engaged citizens in their community. The schools sets extremely high expectations for their students and pushes them to think about their future career paths so they can determine what steps, academic and otherwise, they will need to take to achieve their goals. Data is integrated in everything that they do and is used to help students, teachers, and the school set goals, assess their progress, and determine when students and teachers need extra supports or opportunities for acceleration. There is a shared sense of accountability for results that is instilled in students, teachers, administrators, and the entire school community.
Attendance Rates:
- 2009: 96.4%
- 2010: 96.3%
TVAAS 3-Year Growth Standard T-Statistics (2011):
- Math: 9.72
- Reading/Language Arts: 6.93
TCAP Deciles (2010-2011) :
- Math: 20th to 30th
- Reading/Language Arts: 50th
- Between 2010 and 2011, Power Center Academy narrowed its achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged students by 9.82 points on the reading exam and by 18.66 points on the math exam.
Power Center Academy is a charter school located in Memphis, TN and is part of the Memphis City Schools system. Between 2010 and 2011, Power Center Academy narrowed its achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged students by 18.66 points on the math TCAP.
2011 Middle School Nominees
Jo Byrns High School, Robertson County Schools
Jo Byrns High School, Robertson County
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Joshua Mason
- Grades Served: 7-12
- Enrollment: 449
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 43.0%
Jo Byrns High School makes the most out of every instructional minute in the day. Every school day begins with 30 minutes that are set aside for intervention and tutoring (as determined by teachers each day) and enrichment opportunities, such as accelerated coursework or dance classes. Additionally, the school has allocated 100-minute blocks for reaching and math instruction every day to help their students make big gains. The school sets high expectations for its students, and makes high school graduation and postsecondary education and training part of their message for their middle school students. Data is used to make a lot of instructional decisions at the school level and figures prominently in teacher collaboration.
Attendance Rates:
- 2009: 94.6%
- 2010: 95.0%
TVAAS 3-Year Growth Standard T-Statistic (2011):
- Math: 19.12
- Reading: 5.68
TCAP Deciles (2010-2011) :
- Math: 20th to 40th
- Reading/Language Arts: 50th
- Between 2010 and 2011, Jo Byrns High School narrowed its socioeconomic achievement gap by 1.45 points on the reading TCAP and by 1.85 points on the math TCAP among its middle school students.
Jo Byrns High School serves students in grades 7 through 12 and is part of the Robertson County School system. The school has a three-year (2009-2011) TVAAS standard t-statistic of 19.12 on math, which means their students are improving 19 times faster than the state average.
South Cumberland Elementary, Cumberland County Schools
South Cumberland Elementary, Cumberland County
School Characteristics:
- Principal: Darryl Threet
- Grades Served: PK-8
- Enrollment: 662
- Economically Disadvantaged Rate: 53.0%
During his 12 years as principal at South Cumberland Elementary, Darryl Threet has established himself as a strong instructional leader. He analyzes student performance data for his teachers, teaches a daily algebra course for students in 4th through 8th grades, developed pacing guides that have been adopted by the district, and encourages teachers to calculate their own value added, including teachers in grades K-3. He has set uninterrupted instructional time as his number one priority, and the school has instituted two programs—Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) and Drop Everything and Math (DEAM)—so students have daily opportunities for remediation and acceleration. Additionally, the school helps each student fill out a high school plan, takes them on field trips to the local high schools, Roane State Community College, and the local technology center to help students chart their paths after middle school and beyond.
Attendance Rates:
- 2009: 95.5%
- 2010: 95.5%
TVAAS 3-Year Growth Standard T-Statistics (2011):
- Math: 8.84
- Reading/Language Arts: 5.81
TCAP Deciles (2010-2011) :
- Math: 40th to 50th
- Reading/Language Arts: 60th
- Between 2010 and 2011, South Cumberland Elementary narrowed its achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged students by 1.41 points on the reading TCAP and by 2.78 points on the math TCAP.
South Cumberland Elementary serves students in grades PK through 8 and is part of the Cumberland County School system. The school has a three-year (2009-2011) TVAAS standard t-statistic of 8.84 on math, which means their students are improving nearly 9 times faster than the state average.
All data correct as of the year the schools and districts were identified as SCORE Prize finalists.